7 October 2014

Making jam with no added sugar or nasties!

Smashed Berry & Vanilla Jam

Oh, long weekends never go for quite long enough do they? We jam packed so much into the sunny three days - a fishing trip, date night at Jupiter's Casino, grand final BBQ and lunch at a quaint country pub to top it off. There was lots of food, laughter, love and indulgence, just what you want! There was not much cooking, cleaning or domestic duties done on the long weekend. I just lapped up feeling in holiday mode and the warm days. It was quite different to the feel of last weekend...

I had a very domestic day last weekend, I baked, roasted and cooked up a storm in the kitchen. I always enjoy whipping up some tasty treats ready for the week ahead. On top of the cooking, my Mum & I called ourselves 'Hunters & Gatherers', as we tried our luck in the nearby creek for mud crabs. There is a creek right alongside a nearby sporting field to my house. We must have looked a sight lugging these big crab pots along the creek edge, never mind trying to navigate them into the deepest part of the shallow water. There was a few attempts and some near falls in the water, lots of mud, laughter, but we did it. We returned later that day to a few crabs, two were keepable the other one returned to the water. Nothing beats fresh mud crab!

Among all of this domestic goddess and hunting and gathering activity I whipped up some jam. I  have always wanted to make jam, but was put off by the kilo of sugar many recipes always added. Then I came across this recipe and started to get a little more excited. It showed me it was possible to create a healthier jam option - even adding yummy chia seeds which are great antioxidants and full of Omega 3.

500 g strawberries, washed with stalks removed
300 g raspberries
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste / extract or pods from 1/2 vanilla bean
2 fresh dates, pitted (or you can add a little stevia!)
2 tablespoons chia seeds

  • Combine 250 g strawberries, vanilla and dates into a food processor.
  • Blend until smooth. Taste and adjust sweetness if necessary. 
  • Spoon the strawberry puree into a bowl.
  • Add the chia seed and mix through.
  • Smash the raspberries and add to the strawberry puree.
  • Dice the other 250 g of strawberries then add to the strawberry puree.
  • Allow the berry jam to settle and develop for 30 minutes in your fridge.
  • Enjoy!

How easy is that? Plus nutritious. 
I have been indulging in scones this week just so I can enjoy the yumminess of this strawberry smash. 

Hope it was a lovely restful break for you all x

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