21 October 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: How to make easy no sew bunting

Today is Tutorial Tuesday and I am linking up with Yen from Blue Bird Green - a DIY and craft extraordinaire, posting easy craft projects for you to try! Yen posted this great DIY tutorial on how to make no sew paper bunting for a special occasion. Today I thought I would share with you some more great tutorials and inspiration on how to create easy bunting for a party or occasion. You can create some really unique bunting from paper, fabric, burlap or even vintage handkerchiefs or similar. Why not have a look through your cupboards and see what you can get creative with?! Here is some inspiration to get you started...


Image Map
Did you do it the easy 'no sew' way? I hope this has inspired you to get crafty if not! I would love to see your creations, feel free to share them with me on facebook. 

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1 comment:

  1. Who knew making such bright, beautiful bunting could be so easy? I always look at crafty things like that and figure it must be difficult and time consuming but I love this idea! Thanks for the inspiration.


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