2 July 2016

Life Lately June 2016

June has come and gone with a blink!
Officially in the second half of the year now. I truly believe each year goes faster and faster! 

Being a Summer lover, June was a quiet one for me. Lots of afternoons indoors, baking and making, cranking up the heater and snuggling with Mr Coopar.

I am not looking forward to the next eight weeks, Winter seems like the season that never ends. The last two winters I escaped to hotter climates, Hawaii last year and Fiji in 2014. It is a shame I wasn't a little more organised this year. Sipping cocktails in the heat sounds amazing right now...

As I sit here and type, my ugh boots are keeping my feet warm and although lovely and sunny outside its below 20 degrees here on the Gold Coast. For anyone that lives in QLD, you too can sympathise - that's cold!! :P

Here is a snapshot of June...

I made homemade vegetarian sausage rolls. Thanks for the recipe Sam!

Mr Coopar loving his new Kmart bed. 
I love Winter afternoon sunsets, the sky so crisp - not a cloud in sight!

Hope you are having a great weekend! Stay warm x
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  1. Really loved this personal snapshot of you and your life. Mr Cooper is looking particularly handsome on his new "man couch" adorable! x Yen

    1. Hehe thanks Yen - we woke to rain today so Coops woke, had breakfast and went straight back to his man couch. He LOVES it! xx


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