11 August 2016

House Update: Whats been happening!

So whats been happening in my part of the world?

House planning, building and demolition!

The original timeframe we had in mind has long gone out the window - we are weeks behind where we would like to be. That's the nature of building and renovating though right?

Here is a quick update:

++ House plans have been drawn up and are in the process of being certified and engineered so we can submit them to Council for consideration.
++ Council then will take 4-6 weeks to approve the plans and make any necessary changes
++ In the interim we have been tackling 'no council approval needed projects' on the block. As we are an acreage with over 4880m2 of land, we are zoned as 'residential/rural' making the rules for things like sheds and studios more lenient. That is compared to a <800m2 residential block. So all week Hubby has been building the garden studio. I like to think that it will become a She Cave, but considering he is building it doing all the hard work I guess he gets final say and I think its destiny is to become a Man Cave. Hubby says a gym. 
++ I have been busy selling things on Gumtree - the rear patio, bathroom cabinetry, the kitchen cabinetry, curtains, flooring...you name it! Much better than just putting it in a skipbin, its great to be able to recycle these aspects of the home!
++ Next project is to tackle the existing front garden where we had some trees lopped (more to be lopped in the coming weeks). This will allow us to push back the existing retaining wall and gain more space on the driveway and allow us to get our cars into the garage that is to be built. 
++ Fencing will be next on the agenda so I have been doing some major neighbourhood stalking and looking at fence designs. At the back sides and rear it be acreage fencing, simple timber and wire to allow us to see through to the view and greenery. At the front and along the side of the house we will have a timber fence for privacy. So many options! Tag me in any fence inspo you see please! Help needed!

Rear patio has been removed, ready to start the demo/house build on this slab

We have many projects to tackle, that will keep up busy for the next 6 or so weeks. That will take us up to the 6 week mark where we can then have some  answers from Council (hopefully!) and know when we can get cracking with the build. Yippee! It will likely be early October that it all starts to take shape. 

The garden studio progress
As of today, walls internally and externally are on, window and door are in and its at lock up stage. So impressive, this has only taken us a week so far. Lots of progress, lets hope the house build too comes along this quickly :P

I had a quote done this week for a pool to be installed, that was exciting, choosing the design, where is will sit on the block and in align with the house. We decided to have it coming straight off the living area, allowing lots of space in front of big stacker doors to walk out and enjoy the space. The BBQ entertaining area will then come off the kitchen, which makes sense.

Here is a snapshot of what the kitchen/living area is now. We will make the kitchen bigger and it will extend into the living area (left) to make room for a big island bench and a butlers pantry! 

On the interior, we have removed all laminate flooring and the kitchen

The flooring we removed from the house will be recycled and laid down in the garden studio

No working sinks in the house - both the vanity and kitchen sinks are gone!
Whats been happening in your home? Any projects starting or near completion? Fill me in!
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  1. Oh it all sounds fabulous! I don't know which I'm more envious of, the pool, the gym or the butler's pantry! Exciting times!

    1. Haha it all seems like a dream at the moment...very exciting But a bloody long process. I just want to live there now!! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, so much space! I'd love a she shed to sew in, not likely to happen for a long while...Good luck with the approval process and building. Busy times ahead!

    1. I might have to jostle with Hubby for some space in the shed. A she shed would be amazing, but I think he has other ideas! Thank you, super exciting times ahead x

  3. Very exciting update and I do hope all you want to be approved can get you building asap. Love this so much!

    1. Thanks Denyse! Fingers crossed its not too long and we can get stuck into it very soon! Such a lengthy process x

  4. A garden studio just sounds utterly fancy!!

  5. When's the next update due on this amazing project Ashlea? Looking forward to seeing you guys put your stamp on this place.

    Cheers, Col

    1. You are right Col - I am due for an update! Stay tuned, one is coming soon :) This last fortnight has been full of excavation and the retaining walls are starting soon for the front gardens. House plans are being sent off to be engineered this week. its a slow process but coming together :)

    2. And adding Twins to the mix !! You will be busy (and happy) !!

      Cheers, Col


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