25 October 2016

Revealing our babies gender - Team Blue or Pink?!

Nathan and I had always said that when we were pregnant, we would not find out the babies gender. A healthy baby was all that we wanted and to find out the gender at delivery would be a marvellous surprise.

Then we found out that there was not one but two heartbeats at our first ultrasound. We decided that having twins was a whole other ball game and it was probably best to be prepared!

We had spoken about concentrating on getting the twins over the milestones of 12 weeks/19 weeks etc and then make sure they were along with all their organs and limbs developing healthy. Finding out the gender could happen later on. I thought we had agreed that was the plan. I thought it was the plan!
 Then here we are with our Obstetrician at 10.5 weeks. When doing the ultrasound, he asked if we wanted to know the gender. Before I could give an answer, Nathan's face lit up, he had the biggest smile on his face. Like a kid at Christmas! How could I say no? 

"Yes, yes, yes!" he said. And that is how the gender was known.
I must say though, mothers instinct, I had sensed the gender when I found out I was pregnant. My gut instinct proved me right.

So we held onto this secret for four weeks and oh boy was it hard! Our parents and siblings tried so hard to get it out of us, but we told them they must wait a few more weeks. We had set a date for a morning tea where we would reveal the gender to our family.

A triple layer naked cake was baked, M&M's of the gender 'colour' were placed inside and with butterflies and excitement the cake was cut. Our family at this point had been quite evenly divided, with 60% saying girls, the other 40% saying boys. 

And so the cake was baked....and revealed....


We are so over the moon!
 Nathan is already talking about their first fishing rods and taking them fishing to the creek at our new house. It will be perfect, so much grass to play on, trees to climb and the new house even comes with a big cubby house. They certainly will be outdoorsy boys which I love. I grew up a tomboy, playing outside until dark and coming home covered in dirt. The best way to grow up. Especially when you have an identical twin brother by your side!

Fourteen weeks pregnant here, at the gender morning tea - ready to reveal! 

Cutting the cake and throwing a morning tea was such a fun way to reveal to our family and I thought, incase you were interested I would share how I made and assembled the cake. Any excuse for cake huh?! :P

Please note, I did have some hands on help - Nathan was fabulous on the knife carving me lovely flat layers of cake to stack!

I made a three layer simple butter cake, using this recipe here.
I iced it with buttercream icing, I love a simple old fashioned cake! It also allowed me to get that 'naked cake' look which I was aiming for.


To make my three tiered 'naked' cake
Once the three cakes were cooked, I froze each of the three layers (freeze for a minimum of two hours). I had read that this helps, having the cake frozen, to cut it when the cake assembly needs to take place. You see, to get a layered three tier cake, you don't simply stack the three cakes on top of each other (if you tried, you would end up with a leaning tower of Pisa!).
You need to level the cake top out, hence cutting it to get a nice smooth even top finish.

We used a serrated bread knife which worked well, below is Nathan demonstrating his culinary skills and cake levelling.

Then, we assembled the bottom layer, placing icing on top.
With the second layer, using a cookie cutter we cut a hole large enough to fill with M&M's in the middle of the cake, centered. We then sandwiched the second layer, using the icing to stick it to the first. Then came the fun part - filling the hole in the cake with the blue reveal M&M's. Once they were in and filled the hole, we placed more icing on the layer, before sandwiching the top layer on.

Now, we had a three tiered cake, complete with the reveal M&M's inside.

We then iced the sides of the cake, quite roughly to achieve the 'naked' cake look. I had then bought some baby booties and a nappy pin to place on top, alongside the 'Oh babies' sign I had made out of gold glitter cardboard (save yourself $20 at the store and make it yourself, its not hard, just requires some tiny nail scissors!) 

Here it was finished - Voilá!

It was alot of fun making the cake and sharing it with family and now you all know the gender too! 
Two little boys will be joining us by Christmas 2016. What a special Christmas it will be.

 How did you reveal it to your family and friends?
 Ever been to a gender reveal party before?

Linking up team #IBOT

PS: have you seen my online store is closing, there isn't much stock left, so get in quick. All 30% off! SHOP HERE!
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  1. OMG Ashley, I'm so excited for you & Nathan. Two beautiful boys, how wonderful. Congratulations xxx

    1. Thanks Jules - it truly is so wonderful and miraculous, I feel so blessed xx

  2. Replies
    1. And you are team Pink - amazing!!! So excited to have another twin mumma around! xx

  3. Oh how exciting... I had to rush to the end of the post to see the big reveal! So excited for you and that's a cracker of a cake!

    1. Hehe thank you - it was tasty but never ending. You don't realise how much cake is in a three tier cake. Lucky our neighbours are good friends and I offloaded a slab to them. There is such a thing as too much cake :P xx

    2. I am truly overruled, even having a boy dog! That's okay though, I love the thought of boy bubbas. Hopefully they will be Mummies boys though and love lots of cuddles and kisses xx

  4. Super exciting! Boys are so much fun, you will love being the only girl in the house (even though it sounds daunting put like that!). Congratulations!

  5. I always wondered how the innards didn't melt haha. You can tell I'm not a baker! :) Massive congratulations on the boys xox

    1. ahah I love the description of innards - yes I too wondered that!! I was quite chuffed with my efforts, I couldn't believe I successfully pulled it off! Thank you xx

  6. That made me smile so much as I told my husband..this is the lovely lady who made my new dream catcher mandala! two dear little boys coming your way! Lucky boys to have you as their parents!! Denyse xx

    1. Ohhh thanks Denyse, you are so sweet!! So glad to connect with you and so lovely know you love your dreamcatcher xx

  7. I've never thought of a gender reveal cake, but more excuses for cake is a good thing in my opinion. Congratulations to you and your family. Boys are fab. I have three, though no twins. All the best!

    1. Oh yay another Mum overruled by boys!!:P:P
      I am so happy to have two little boys, for them to grow up with eachother and have playmates. Everyone says boys are easier too, which I am grateful for having double! xx

  8. Congratulations! I had a gut feeling with both of my pregnancies too - and I was right both times. We found out with the first one (a boy) but decided to go the old fashioned way with the second (a girl). Hard to believe they are now 22 and almost 20 - time flies when you're having fun!

    1. Amazing isn't it, a Mothers instinct. Time surely does fly, this seems like the quickest pregnancy ever. They will be here before we know it!! :) xx

  9. Aren't you just a bit clever, making twin boys and with the cake. Congratulations it's so exciting. xx

    1. Thanks Vicki, it took a little brain power, but the cake turned out exactly like I had imagined :) thank you xx

  10. Oh congratulations! Excellent baking skills - both of babies and cakes!

    We found out the gender but didn't have a lot of choice. At our 12 week scan, it was super obvious that he was a boy!

    1. Haha thats what happened with us - very obvious boy bits!! There would have been no hiding it as the weeks went on! Thank you, I was stoked with my baking skills, I always thought anything other than a single level cake was too hard - but I feel I nailed it :) x

  11. How exciting for you! I have twin girls and my hubby only agreed to find out because they were twins, they are 11 now and back then we didn't do fancy gender reveal scans lol.

    1. Yes, I think it is easier to find out the gender when they are twins. If it was a singleton bub I wouldn't have - but twins take some serious planning!! x

  12. How exciting! Congratulations! :) And thanks for the tips on layering a cake! I'd never heard of freezing it first! :)

    1. I would never have though to freeze it, but it does make it ALOT easier. So glad someone told me that tip! happy baking :) x


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