18 October 2016

Spring Sale

I love being creative and using my hands - there is nothing more satisfying to me than standing back and being proud of something you have created.

I have been making dreamcatchers and wooden bead garlands for two years now and loved every minute of it - especially the custom orders, making special baby mobiles or gifts.

My life is taking a change in direction though and soon I will have two little newborns nestled in my arms. My days of creativity and having the time to fulfil orders will be non existent.

So I am having a sale on all existing stock currently listed in my store. A chapter is closing and a new one is beginning, its very exciting!!

Pop on over and take a look - there is 30% off all stock and you never know, there may be something you like for you, or maybe even a gift for Christmas for someone special? All creations are handmade by me and come beautifully gift wrapped. 

Thank you to those who have supported my creative venture so far and thank you to those who take the time to look at my store.

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Linking up with team IBOT
Follow Glamour Coastal Living:


  1. Your dream catchers are beautiful, Ashlea. x

  2. Oh my gosh Ashlea - I really have been terrible at keeping up with things. You are expecting twins! How wonderful! You know I had twins nearly 24 years ago (gosh that makes me feel old). They were boys born at 36 wks. 2 years later I had my daughter. I absolutely love your dreamcatchers, so I am going to visit your shop straight after typing this. I hope you're feeling well. :-) xo

    1. Oh wow, another twin Mumma! Hello! I didn't realise you had twins - identical or fraternal? Mine are identical. It certainly is one very exciting journey, counting down the weeks now :):) Thank you xx

  3. Oh you so clever! It's the end of the shop (for now) but the beginning of something, well, two things really, that are so wonderful! I do love a new beginning, especially when it's a twin-inning! Off to check out your store now...

    1. Thanks Sammie, I am excited. This next chapter sure will be a rollercoaster, but I am so looking forward to it!:) xx

  4. I live on the coast.... so will pop over and have a look! That beach pic is lovely!

  5. You are such a talent. These dream catchers are absolutely beautiful x #teamIBOT

  6. I love your dream catchers and so exciting about what's coming next for you. xx

    1. Thanks Vicki! I am counting down the days already until I meet them, I cannot wait :) xx

  7. Your dreamcatchers are stunning! New adventures await but that creativity will stay inside you ready to be released whenever you are ready again xx

    1. So true Tash! I love that, thanks for those words! I am heading over to visit you now and see what great buys are out there this week, even though my purse will hate me for it :P xx

  8. Ashlea, these are amazing! I am super motivated to do a complete interior design overhaul on my home and would definitely love to have a couple of these hanging. I'm going to go and check out your store now!

    1. Oh I love a good overhaul. Having the new carpet installed into our bedrooms this month has prompted a massive overhaul and change. it feel so good. Your home is so timeless and I love the heritage features. I bet you have been having fun decorating for a girl though. A nice change from trucks I imagine :P xx

  9. I missed your post on IBOT this week so catching up now. Wow. Twins! I "think" I knew that but I congratulate you again. I am also so glad I saw your sale on IG and then bought one of your beautiful dream catchers! I will post a pic when it arrives. Many good wishes, Denyse xx

    1. Thanks Denyse for your purchase and congrats. Hopefully it arrives to you in the coming days :) xx

  10. You know I love your work. Levi's dreamcatcher hangs on her door. :)

  11. These are gorgeous! :) And congratulations on the twins! :)


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