11 October 2016

A Life & House Update - Dirt, Nesting and DIY!

I have been a little quiet around here lately!

It has been a massive couple of weeks and I am finally catching my breath! On a personal note, the babies are growing well and we are currently at 23 weeks. All this baby growing is super tiring and some days I just have to pause (to catch my breath especially when walking up stairs!) and just reflect on how incredible the human body is. I feel so blessed to be able to grow and carry two little miracles and constantly find myself staring at my belly in disbelief. I already feel so huge, but there is lots of growing to still do!

At home, we have been busy the last two weeks packing up three bedrooms, as if we were moving house. We had new carpet installed into the bedrooms yesterday, so we had to literally pack everything up and move all furniture out. It was a great excuse for a big spring clean and cull though. Nathan would come home each day to piles off things - things to bin, things to donate to charity and then the pile of 'am I being too sentimental in keeping this, I need your opinion?!' hehe
Then I woke on Sunday morning at 2am realising that we had forgotten to paint the bedroom ceilings. Yep, poor Nathan. On Sunday, whilst capturing glimpses of the Bathurst car racing, he painted three bedroom ceilings whilst the old carpet was in place. When we moved in four years ago we painted the whole house, but not the ceilings (big regret, they always looked a different white to the walls!). So finally with all the furniture out of the bedrooms we did it. Now they have a new paint smell and new carpet. Yay!

Let the nesting begin!

What does this mean now? Well I can officially start nesting and putting the nursery together. Everything has been bought and is downstairs in the garage and now we can start setting up the cot, change table and all the bits and pieces. I cannot wait! 

Over at the new house though, I call it the 'Great Wall of China' as it seriously is so big and has taken Nathan so long to build...the retaining wall is nearly done. This is at the front of the home, along the driveway and alongside where the 'man shed' will be. We had a large excavator come in and knock the existing wall down and then push the soil back about 2m, so we had extra turnaround space for car parking in the driveway. There was literally 9 dump truck loads of dirt taken away, plus tree stumps and concrete we found buried amongst it all. Nathan has then been working weekends and when he can to build a new retaining wall out of hardwood timber. With each length of timber weighing around 50kg, its a mammoth job. Hence, why I keep teasing him about this Great Wall. Its an art form and a slow job. 

Once the retaining wall is done, fencing the boundary of the acre of land will happen and then, some foundations can likely start. In between all of that the pool is starting to be built today. Yes I know, building a pool before a house does sound funny. But to us, it made sense as now is when there is the best access to the backyard for the excavator to dig the hole and the concrete truck to access it too. So very exciting! We decided on a pebblecrete pool and are still choosing the colour of it, as some stones reflect a green lagoon type water colour, others bright blue. We are not sure whether to have that tropical lagoon colour, as we worry it might blend into all the green grass and surrounds on the property, so we are leaning towards the sparkly blue. We will see!

Our house plans are currently with the Engineer and being certified, so hopefully by the end of the week we should know if any structural design changes need to be made and we can be ready to submit to council. Yipeee!

So that is what has been happening here - what about you? Any house DIY projects or big changes happening?

Linking up with Kylie and the IBOT team here
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  1. Haha, the sentimentality pile is always a struggle! #teamIBOT

    1. Oh yes! I have had to be ruthless. Vinnies has done very well from me :P

  2. Such an exciting time for you both. Totally see where you are coming from with the pool, it's the perfect time for it to be built. So happy to hear all is going well with the babies. xxx

    1. Thanks Nicole - seems so silly to have a pool and no house constructed yet, but glad you too can see the sense in it. The concrete truck came and did the foundations yesterday. Now we wait three weeks for it to set! Its like watching paint dry haha xx

  3. It's certainly all happening at your place! Happy nesting.

  4. I can't imagine having the patience to build from scratch. Or even renovate!

  5. Oh it really is all happening with you! Exciting times! I can't wait to see what colour you choose for the pool. FYI, I'm Team Blue!

  6. Congrats on your two angels. I am a recent follower so I did not know you were an expecting. What an exciting year at your house. :D Enjoy.
    Pamela @ Be Colorful Coastal

    1. Thanks Pamela, certainly busy times ahead and very exciting! thanks for stopping by today x

  7. OH MY GOODNESS Ashlea!! How did I miss all these exciting updates on Insta and Facebook?? I can't believe you are pregnant and also having TWINS! Congratulations!! How exciting!And a new house too?! Tonight when the little man is in bed am going to have a nice big catchup on your blog. So happy for you! :) xx

    1. Oh so sweet thanks Maya - yes its all happening here! I have been very quiet over on social media, so easy to miss! Hope you and the fam are well xx

  8. So exciting!! Enjoy this time, getting the nursery together. It was my favourite part first time around, pre arrival of course. I would wash and fold all the clothes. Then I would get them out again just to see what I had. Enjoy!

    1. I have been buying and stock piling in the cupboard. I fear I may have over bought, so time to wash, get it all out and see what I have and then put in their drawers. Everything is sooo tiny, its hard to imagine just how small they will be! xx


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