23 November 2016

Lunch at the Broadwater

Yesterday I did something very spontaneous.

I skipped half a day at work and convinced Hubby to as well (perks of having your own business I guess, you have to do it sometime!).
We had a long lunch on the Gold Coast Broadwater, thanks to Coles Supermarkets and their Coles Food Truck which is currently on tour around Australia. Look at the view of the Marina Mirage and parklands we were able to enjoy, it was the perfect day for it!
Masterchef runner up Michael Weldon cooked up a storm and we lazed waterside in a marquee being fed plate after plate of fresh, delicious food. I kid you not when I say the food was better than 5 star restaurants I have eaten at. AND it was cooked in a temporary food truck kitchen, at the parklands. Seriously amazing what you can do with the freshest of ingredients and some seriously cooking talent.

 The highlights for me - the grilled king prawns and the slow roasted scotch fillet. I couldn't believe how tender and tasty the scotch fillet was. I would have loved seconds if I hadn't filled up on all the amazing salads and I was trying to keep room for ice cream at the end.

Here's a peek at the menu....oh my!

This baked triple cream brie was so hard to say no to, but I did. They do say no soft cheeses when pregnant. I will be making this post pregnancy for sure! Have you ever baked brie?

Coles smokey maple ice cream in a waffle cone with caramel sprinkles...well I couldn't finish it fast enough. It was better than amazing! I think these babies I am growing love ice cream, as soon as I took a bite they were bouncing around and wriggling. They were also big fans!

We finished the afternoon with a drive to The Spit and spotted some dolphins. Did you see my video on facebook? You might have spotted them there frolicking in the water. 

A perfect day!

Thanks for the afternoon Coles and Nuffnang, it was alot of fun!
Was so nice to have a lunch date with Nathan too, it's not long before we become a family of four!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh yum this looks like such a great event - beautiful location and food too! :) Ice cream was my go-to craving in pregnancy. It wasn't so bad with my last boy, but with his older brother I had it at least once a week, often more, oops! haha!

    Hope you have a great weekend ahead! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog


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